Third Room: An Embroidered NapkinGraduation Catalogue (Design Academy Eindhoven, 2020)
Third Room: An Embroidered Napkin is an excert of the master’s thesis The Grandfather Paradox. It was selected as the representative text for the Contextual Design class of 2020 to be featured on the grduation catalogue.
Every year the Design Academy Eindhoven Graduation Show is held during the Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven. It is a showcase of all the thesis projects of the past years’ graduates. At the same time the art school publishes a catalogue with all the graduation projects. The 2020 catalogue features all the 184 graduation projects of the 2019/2020 academic year.
The catalogue is structured by an algorithm that generates an infinite amount of hypothetical news headlines based on a dataset consisting of all the project texts. These generated headlines such as ‘2020 Dictator Fights Exclusion’ and ‘Drone Signals Disrupt the Self’ serve as a structure for the book, while they also reveal the overarching themes and interests of the graduates’ work. They describe a future world according to the next generation of designers.